Sunday, August 19, 2007

Paucity of Futurist, Plethora of Historian

India is a country gifted with a rich enviable repertoire of culture, heritage, custom, rituals, superstitions, art, literature, blah blah blah….Loads of volumes of literature, poetry, art shambles in our rich heritage libraries, as if begging to be read. Have we ever cared for the one piece of literature missing from repository, THE SCIENCE FICTION .India has fared extremely poorly in this field, may be due to lack of fascination among the ancient, medieval or modern novelist, or possibly due to their lack of courage. And this space is felt in our modern day thinking, the thought ignition mechanism of present day scholar is hampered largely due to lack of this piece of literature; the thought execution mechanism of bureaucrats is hampered; the thought delivering mechanism of pedagogue is hampered…..

Among the primitive ethos of Hindustanis is that they are historians who are constantly in quest of their Ram or Krishna by either reciting the hymns of Ramayana/Geeta or through pageantry in remembrance of their God. They are busy exploring the ages of Ram or Krishna when the need of hour is to extrapolate the concept of Newton and Einstein.

In ancient occident nations the writers used to go to masses in search of plot. They went to the labourers in quest of searching the laws they wanted, they went to industrialist to sort out the perks they needed, students were asked what sort of future they dream, women were given opportunities to decide their own destiny, common masses were allowed to opine on leadership issue, priest were allowed to secure their religion, technocrats were allotted freedom to dream, innovate and realize their research and the list goes on.

Have the Hindus of Varanasi ever thought about their future or did the Muslim clergy of Deobad pointed out the direction of their future; neither did the Christians of Kerala nor did the Sikhs at Golden Temple thought so. All of us are busy chanting the hymns and performing pageantry of our individual GOD but none are worried about the future, who will carry the legacy forward into next decade or century, how will the younger generation perform rituals and oblations.

Did the bureaucrats in planning commission ever bothered to ask the other end of population for whom, they have devised the policies, or are they busy satisfying the master of whom they are cronies. Did the UGC ,(University Grant Commission) having abundant of intellectuals ever thought of asking students what sort of environment they require for creative and innovative thinking. I fear, even the pedagogies are least worried on this issue.

Every five year, we are presented with rhetoric’s in name of FIVE YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN. When will these rhetorics convert to reality? Government somehow finds an alibi for renege and retrograde is again repeated.

Rome is the country of artists ,but the worst are on stage,
India is the country of futurist,and the worst are in planning commission.......

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dialogues becomes Monologues...

One evening all of us were busy having a ebullient informal chat.Usual exchangers and teasers were going on at rapidfire pace.Just then youngest member of our patriarchal family broke the vibrant dialogues by raising a natural,innocent query,"What do couples do at their honeymoon".And after it only prevailed were his monologues.

What was wrong in his innocent query that left the whole pedigree surprised or rather abashed.Was there anything apocalyptic in his question.I myself could not discern it,but it felt awkward.

What are those mental himalayan barriers,the generation rifts that prevails and abort the patriarch sharing sex related issues with adolescents.Recently their was a break through by CBSE as it announced that schools should allocate some portion of cirriculum towards sex education.There has been lot of hallagulla since then over this issue.Worst of all some intellectuals in shape of teacher have protested citing they feel embrass presenting themselves as sex teacher.

Adding salt to misery are the mandarins sitting on the pinnacle of democracy.The educated Kerala,the global Karnataka,the upcoming Madhya Pradesh,the NRI wannabe Gujarat,The prosperous Punjab all have come up with state sponsored bans on sex education.

Personally,I share a common faith with CBSE.I reckon sex education as a need of hourWith prominent increase in child abuse cases,how can we dare to leave our teens in mercyless hands of lusty uncles.Why can't the parent take the burden of educating their wards.If we are little more responsible Nithari's could be avoided and more importantly no question of our child could turn our Dialogues into Monologues.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Developing Cities

Indian population is at a staggering figure of 105 million and is likely to be 1.5 times the current by 2050 i .e somewhere around 150 millions and that too depends on the success of our family planning pro grammes run by Ministry of Child and Maternal care.
We have many a times heard about the demographic dividend which may be reaped out of our growing population but has any of our so called policy makers(I coin a better word "The Futurist") thought that we are also going to get pressurized 1.5 times for basic amenities such as food,employment,housing...This post of mine is dedicated to one such problem "AFFORDABLE HOUSING".
Current statistics reveal that we are deficit by 22 million in this sector and strikingly 17 million out of 22 million is in urban sector.What are the so called futurist doing.Do they have plans in their repertory. And if they do have ,are the sufficient enough to sustain this water tight situation .With inflow of big bucks in real estate their is ample reason to worry, as I fear not enough brains devoted to tackle the problem of social housing for middle and lower middle class population.
Its for sure that the middle class or lower middle class population is not going to get shelter in the residential edifice's made by THE DLF's ,THE SAHARA' s, THE OMAXE's ...... This crowd is going to venture in housing unit that are affordable for them and pathetically none is available.
No builder or developer have desire to develop affordable housing,because simply he can't.Increase in price of land leaves builder no scope for community service.So,where is the respite.
The last destination alloted for mercy in democracy is government.Now a million dollar question arises that how can government help.Government should provide tax holidays to builder interested in affordable housing.Secondly,it(government) can release extra acres of land(to builders devoted toward AH) for commercial project thereby providing compensation for financial losses.

Here itself one more important issue of urbanization comes in picture because ultimately we are encouraging it.Economist are of opinion that urbanization is inevitable.But should it be licensed to be all and end all.Some modern thinker are of opinion that stop romancing with countryside,they are ultimately going to migrate to cities,their exodus is going to continue.

I try to visualize a probable and a feasible solution to two interrelated problem of affordable housing and urbanization coupled with spread of industrial belt into the territory of agriculture zone.
All the above listed activities are intermingled and each try to interfere in others domain.SEZ try to cross its boundary and occupy agricultural land while affordable housing try to crave its way through SEZ as people residing in it are employed in SEZ itself.So, a balance is sought after.
A three tier development should be made operational for all future planning.Satellite land planning custom should be encouraged in such a manner that terrain having low productivity should be used to form SEZ.Its one side should be reserved for agricultural activities and other side for affordable housing.With industries sand witched between housing unit and agricultural terrain,it will provide equal opportunities to both urban and rural population,thereby restricting their exodus.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Plight of Science

Has Science mother of all invention and discovery sunk to abysmal condition. This thought struck to mine en cephalic no sooner had I heard a terse from eminent scientist and advisor CNR Roa.He uttered "The condition of science &technology is worse than ever before in India" I do share some common faith with dear scientist provided he expunge a ten letter word "technology" from his stance.the condition of science without doubt has degraded but not of technology.India which onces had Nobel leurate such as S N BOSE and C V Raman could not produce even one in last few decade.Moreover our share in research paper had fallen to 3% (figure much lower than our competitors BRIC nation).But what was the condition of technology than.Is strong science or better technology the need of hour.Our technology is far superior to those days when science was on its peak.

India excels in IT ITES services with its consultancy and bpo wings in full colour.Many global winner in IT industry are looking towards for major share in their profit.Accenture is rating it journey in India as Honeymoon destination.

Manufacturing sector onces thought to be sick has rejuvenated.Tata is the lady love of many steel major,while Mahindra's are busy dating Renault.ONGC Videsh found a mate in Kazak government while Ruia's after having premarital affair with Huchison are looking settled with Vodafone.Hero's found their heroine in Honda whlie Tata motors pal is Daewo and fait.

So technocrats no need to weep over the terse by scientist,we are not in swamp.....

Degraded science(senior citizen) but young technology could be dealt with but not the vice a versa .

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


3 2 1 GO.......
The journey begin......